Clear over Clever: Why Clarity Is Key in Small Business Marketing
When it comes to marketing and promoting your small business, it's tempting to get creative and come up with clever slogans, quirky branding, or playful messaging. While there's a place for creativity, there's something even more important that often gets overlooked: clarity.
Why Mobile-Friendly Websites Are a Must-Have for Your Business
Is your website mobile-friendly? Let’s talk about why it needs to be!
How Small Business Owners, Vendors, and Makers Can Benefit from Using Canva for Content Creation and Graphic Design
For small business owners, vendors, and makers, creating appealing graphics and marketing materials can be challenging, especially when resources are limited. Canva, a user-friendly graphic design tool, offers a solution that can transform your content creation process.
Why I Prefer Squarespace for Small Business Websites
As a small business owner, choosing the right platform to build your website is crucial for your online success. With numerous website builders available, it can be overwhelming to decide which one to use. Having worked extensively with various platforms, I've found that Squarespace stands out as the best choice for small business owners seeking affordable, professional, and user-friendly websites. Here's why…